
Chickpea Chocolate Chip Cookies – Gluten Free, Vegan and Grain Free

The best recipe for Chickpea Chocolate Chip Cookies
chickpea chocolate chip cookies vegan gluten free best recipe

Craving a guilt-free treat? Ever thought about indulging in a healthy dessert that is both delicious and nutritious, a perfect treat with sweet chocolate chips, and a great treat? These cookies pack all the chewy, sweet goodness you love with delicious chocolate chunks, making them a perfect treat and a great treat for your health. Discover how chickpeas and garbanzo bean flour work their magic to create an alternative cookie experience that’s gaining popularity among vegans and health-conscious individuals alike. From the perfect blend of chocolate chunks to incorporating oats for added texture, these delicious, chewy cookies offer a great treat with a nutritional punch. So grab your cookie scoop, preheat that oven, and get ready to whip up a batch of these delicious treats with sweet chocolate chips and brown sugar.

Key Takeaways

  • Healthy and Delicious Option: Chickpea chocolate chip cookies offer a healthier alternative to traditional cookies without compromising on taste.
  • Incorporate Chickpeas Creatively: Integrate chickpeas into your baking routine by following the provided step-by-step instructions for vegan chickpea cookies.
  • Allergy-Friendly and Nutrient-Rich: Utilize chickpeas to create allergy-friendly, nutrient-rich treats, suitable for a variety of dietary needs.
  • Experiment with Substitutions: Explore various substitution ideas to customize chickpea cookies based on personal preferences and dietary requirements.
  • Proper Storage for Freshness: Follow the recommended storage tips to maintain the freshness and quality of your homemade vegan chickpea chocolate chip cookies.
  • Expand Plant-Based Baking Repertoire: Consider incorporating chickpeas into other vegan dessert options to enhance the nutritional value of your plant-based treats.

Gluten Free Chickpea Chocolate Chip Cookies?!

I know what you’re thinking…chickpeas???  

Chickpeas…great for making hummus, but used for making chocolate chip cookies???

These cookies are so chocolatey and chewy you’ll never know they were made with chickpeas, I promise!

I’ll be honest, even I was skeptical of using a whole cup and a half of chickpeas in this recipe! These chickpea cookies are loaded with folic acid, fiber, iron, zinc, copper, manganese and protein…you can’t say that for your standard chocolate chip cookie that uses butter, white sugar and white flour as the base!  Plus, they are gluten free, vegan and grain free!

Vegan Chickpea Chocolate Chip Cookies Ingredients

Key Ingredients

The key ingredients for making vegan chickpea chocolate chip cookies include canned chickpeas, peanut butter, maple syrup or agave nectar, vanilla extract, baking powder, salt, and dairy-free chocolate chips. These simple plant-based components, including sweet chocolate chips, come together to create a delicious and nutritious treat like a vegan version of a chocolate chip cookie.

Canned chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans, serve as the base of these chewy cookies. They add moisture and a soft texture while providing an excellent source of protein and fiber. The mild flavor of chickpeas, a bean, allows them to blend seamlessly with other ingredients without overpowering the cookie’s taste.

Benefits of Using Chickpeas

Using chickpeas in this recipe offers several benefits. Firstly, they boost the nutritional value by adding protein, fiber, and coconut oil to the delicious cookies. This makes them a more filling and delicious snack compared to traditional cookies made with refined flour and brown sugar. Secondly, chickpeas contribute to a moist and chewy texture that complements the crunchiness of chocolate chips in the delicious vegan version batter.

In addition to their nutritional content and texture-enhancing properties, chickpeas are also versatile enough to be used in sweet recipes like cookies without compromising on taste or quality.

Other Plant-Based Ingredients

Apart from chickpeas, several other plant-based ingredients like flax egg and coconut oil play crucial roles in perfecting these delicious vegan treats. Peanut butter, coconut oil, brown sugar or demerara sugar, and coconut sugar add richness and nuttiness while serving as binding agents for the chocolate chip cookie. Maple syrup or agave nectar, delicious and natural sweetness, without using refined sugars commonly found in traditional cookie recipes, coconut oil, flax egg.

Furthermore, vanilla extract, brown sugar, and coconut oil lend their delicious aromatic flavor profile that enhances the overall taste experience of these cookies. Baking powder helps leaven the dough while salt balances out all flavors present in each bite of the delicious chocolate chip cookie. Lastly but importantly, delicious dairy-free chocolate chips, coconut sugar, coconut oil, and flax egg provide bursts of rich cocoa flavor throughout every cookie.

Step-by-Step Vegan Chickpea Cookies Instructions

Blending and Mixing

To begin making delicious chickpea chocolate chip cookies, start by preheating your oven to 350°F. Then, rinse a can of chickpeas under cold water and pat them dry with a paper towel. In a food processor, combine the chickpeas, peanut butter, maple syrup, vanilla extract, baking powder, and salt. Blend the mixture until smooth.

Once the smooth mixture is transferred to a bowl, gently stir in the delicious vegan chocolate chips. The dough should be thick and sticky. Use a spoon or cookie scoop to drop mounds of delicious dough onto a lined baking sheet. With slightly wet hands or using the back of a spoon, flatten each mound slightly as these delicious cookies will not spread much during baking.

I found that adding some shredded coconut or chopped nuts adds extra texture to these delicious cookies! It’s also important not to overmix once you add the chocolate chips; this ensures that they stay intact in every bite!

Baking Time and Temperature

After preparing your delicious cookie dough mounds with egg, sugar, and coconut oil on the baking sheet, place them in the preheated oven for 10-12 minutes or until they are lightly golden around the edges. Once done baking the delicious chocolate chip cookies, remove from oven and allow them to cool on the pan for about 5 minutes before transferring them onto wire racks to cool completely.

Remember that every oven varies so keep an eye on your first batch of cookies – if they’re too crispy at 12 minutes then reduce bake time next time; if they’re still soft after 10 minutes then increase bake time slightly next round.

Personal Note: I love adding a sprinkle of sea salt, sugar, and coconut oil on top just before placing my cookies into the oven – it really enhances all those sweet flavors!

Tips for Perfect Chickpea Chocolate Chip Cookies

Proper Preparation

Before using chickpeas, delicious coconut oil, egg, and flax in your chickpea chocolate chip cookies, it’s crucial to drain and rinse them properly. This step helps remove excess salt, starch, and canning liquid from the chickpeas. Start by placing the canned chickpeas in a colander or fine-mesh sieve.

I like to give the chickpeas a good rinse under cold running water for at least a minute. This ensures that any residual substances are washed away, leaving you with clean, ready-to-use chickpeas for your delicious cookie dough.

Rinsing the chickpeas also helps eliminate any metallic or canned taste that might affect the flavor of your delicious cookies. It’s an essential step in achieving deliciously flavored chickpea coconut chocolate chip cookies.

Importance of Draining

Draining is equally important as rinsing. After rinsing, allow the chickpeas to sit in the colander or sieve for a few minutes to ensure they are well-drained before incorporating them into your cookie batter.

One effective method I’ve found is gently shaking the colander or tapping it against the sink to help remove excess water from the chickpeas. Ensuring the delicious cookies are thoroughly drained prevents excess moisture from affecting the texture of your cookies during baking.

The proper draining and rinsing of chickpea chocolate chip cookies, with egg, coconut, and sugar, are fundamental steps that significantly contribute to achieving delicious taste and texture while ensuring optimal results every time you bake these delightful treats.

Chilling Dough

To prevent chickapea chocolate chip cookies from spreading too much during baking, consider chilling the dough with egg and sugar before scooping and shaping it onto baking sheets. Once you’ve mixed all ingredients together, cover the dough tightly with plastic wrap and refrigerate it for at least 30 minutes.

Chilling allows fats in the dough – such as coconut oil or butter – to solidify slightly, helping control spread during baking without compromising on flavor or texture. It also gives coconut oil time to hydrate properly within this vegan recipe.


Another tip I find helpful is making slight adjustments if necessary after testing out your first batch of baked cookies.

Substitution Ideas for Chickpea Cookies

Alternative Sweeteners

When making chickpea chocolate chip cookies, you can experiment with alternative sweeteners like sugar or coconut to suit your taste or dietary needs. Instead of traditional white sugar, consider using honey or maple syrup as natural alternatives. These options (sugar, coconut oil) add a unique flavor profile to the cookies while providing sweetness. Another popular choice is agave nectar, which has a lower glycemic index compared to regular sugar, making it suitable for individuals monitoring their blood sugar levels.

Some people prefer using applesauce, mashed bananas, coconut, and oil as natural sweeteners in their chickpea cookie recipes. These coconut ingredients not only contribute sweetness but also enhance the moisture content of the cookies without relying on refined sugars.

I’ve found that substituting honey for white sugar adds a delightful hint of floral sweetness to the cookies, creating a more complex flavor profile.

Flour Alternatives

Incorporating coconut and sugar into your chickpea cookie recipe can yield varied textures and flavors. Experiment with almond flour and coconut, which adds a nutty undertone and contributes to a tender texture in the finished product. For those looking for gluten-free options, consider using coconut flour or certified gluten-free oat flour as substitutes for all-purpose flour.

Moreover, individuals seeking an extra boost of fiber might opt for whole wheat pastry flour instead of traditional all-purpose flour in their chickpea cookie recipe. This alternative introduces a heartier texture and imparts a subtle nuttiness that complements the coconut and sugar well.

I’ve discovered that incorporating almond flour and coconut into my chickpea chocolate chip cookie batter results in an irresistibly chewy texture with an added depth of flavor from the almonds.

Mix-Ins and Dietary Accommodations

Customizing your chickpea chocolate chip cookies extends beyond just altering sweeteners and flours; it also involves selecting mix-ins tailored to your preferences, such as coconut and sugar. Consider adding chopped nuts such as walnuts or pecans, coconut, and sugar for extra crunch and richness. Dried fruits like cranberries or apricots provide bursts of tangy sweetness amidst the rich chocolate chips, sugar, and coconut.

Furthermore, if you’re following an egg-free diet, you can utilize various egg replacers such as mashed bananas, applesauce, ground flaxseeds combined with water (also known as “flax eggs”), silken tofu, or commercial egg replacement products available in stores.

Allergy Information and Texture Insights


Chickpea coconut chocolate chip cookies can be a great option for individuals with common allergies or dietary restrictions. Since these coconut cookies are made without traditional ingredients like butter and eggs, they can be suitable for people with dairy or egg allergies. By using gluten-free flour and ensuring the chocolate chips are also free from allergens, such as nuts or soy, you can make these cookies safe for those with specific food sensitivities.

On the other hand, it’s important to note that chickpeas, coconut, and sugar themselves are potential allergens for some individuals. While uncommon, chickpea allergies do exist. Therefore, if you’re considering making or consuming chickpea chocolate chip cookies due to allergy concerns, it’s crucial to check with everyone involved about their specific dietary needs and sugar.

Texture Comparison

The texture of chickpea chocolate chip cookies differs from traditional ones made with butter and eggs. These cookies tend to have a slightly denser texture due to the use of chickpeas as a base ingredient instead of butter. The absence of eggs also affects the final texture; while traditional recipes rely on eggs for moisture and binding properties, alternative ingredients like flaxseed meal mixed with water take on this role in chickpea cookie recipes.

When baking these cookies at home, factors such as the amount of wet ingredients used (like oil or milk), the type of flour chosen (such as almond flour versus all-purpose flour), and whether additional sources of fiber (like oats) are included will significantly impact their overall texture. For example: adding more oil may result in a moister cookie; using almond flour might yield a grainier texture compared to all-purpose flour; incorporating oats could make them slightly crumbly.

Factors Affecting Texture

Several factors contribute to the final texture of your chickpea chocolate chip cookies. The ratio between wet and dry ingredients plays an essential role – too much liquid may lead to overly moist cookies while too little could result in dryness. Moreover, how thoroughly you mix your dough is critical; overmixing can lead to tougher treats while undermixing might leave them unevenly textured.

Another crucial factor is storage after baking: storing these treats in an airtight container helps maintain their chewy consistency over time by preventing them from becoming stale quickly due to exposure to air.

Nutritional Benefits of Chickpea Cookies

High Protein Content

Chickpea chocolate chip cookies offer a nutritional boost due to the high protein content found in chickpeas. Protein is essential for building and repairing tissues in the body. By incorporating chickpeas into your cookie recipe, you can create a healthier treat that provides this important nutrient. Protein helps keep you feeling full and satisfied after enjoying your delicious cookies.

When I make chickpea chocolate chip cookies at home, I know that they are not only tasty but also packed with protein which is good for my muscles and overall health.

Rich in Fiber

Chickpeas are known for their high fiber content, making them an excellent addition to your cookie recipe. Fiber aids in digestion and helps regulate blood sugar levels. By including chickpeas in your cookies, you’re adding a nutritious element that supports digestive health. Moreover, fiber contributes to a feeling of fullness, which can help with portion control when indulging in these delightful treats.

I love baking chickpea chocolate chip cookies because they contain plenty of fiber which keeps me from getting hungry too quickly after eating them.

Potential Health Benefits

Incorporating chickpeas into chocolate chip cookies offers potential health benefits when consumed in moderation. Chickpeas have been linked to improved heart health due to their ability to lower cholesterol levels. Furthermore, they may aid in weight management by promoting feelings of fullness and reducing overall calorie intake when included as part of a balanced diet.

As someone who enjoys healthy baking alternatives, I find it reassuring that consuming chickpea chocolate chip cookies can contribute positively to my heart health while satisfying my sweet tooth.

Exploring More Vegan Dessert Options

Exploring New Recipes

If you’ve enjoyed the nutritional benefits of chickpea chocolate chip cookies, it’s time to expand your vegan dessert repertoire. There are numerous other plant-based treats that are not only delicious but also easy to make. You can explore various recipes for vegan desserts that will satisfy your sweet tooth and provide a healthy alternative to traditional treats.

Vegan baking offers a wide range of options, from decadent cakes to indulgent cookies and bars. By experimenting with different ingredients and techniques, you can create an array of delectable desserts without the use of animal products or refined sugars. For example, using ingredients like coconut oil, maple syrup, and almond flour can result in mouthwatering treats that are both satisfying and nutritious.

As I started my journey into vegan baking, I discovered a whole new world of flavors and textures. The versatility of plant-based ingredients allowed me to recreate classic desserts in a healthier way while still enjoying the same level of indulgence.

Healthy Ingredients

Incorporating chickpeas into dessert recipes not only adds a boost of protein and fiber but also creates a soft texture perfect for cookies. Similarly, utilizing other wholesome ingredients such as oat flour, flaxseed meal, or mashed bananas can enhance the nutritional value of your treats while maintaining their deliciousness.

Using alternatives like maple syrup or date paste provides natural sweetness without relying on refined sugar. These options not only contribute unique flavors but also ensure that your desserts remain guilt-free indulgences.


  • Offers diverse flavor profiles
  • Provides healthier alternatives to traditional desserts
  • Allows for creative experimentation with different ingredients


  • May require some trial and error when adapting recipes
  • Certain specialty ingredients may be more expensive

Enhancing Plant-Based Baking with Chickpeas

Versatile Ingredient

Chickpeas are a versatile ingredient that can be used in various plant-based baking recipes. Chickpea flour or garbanzo bean flour is often the star of the show, adding a unique nutty flavor and dense texture to baked goods. It’s an excellent alternative for those who are looking to avoid traditional wheat flour.

In vegan baking, chickpeas can serve as a substitute for eggs or butter due to their binding properties and high protein content. When ground into flour, chickpeas create a smooth, creamy texture similar to that of conventional flours. This makes them perfect for creating moist and chewy treats like cookies without sacrificing taste or texture.

Creative Incorporation

Aside from using chickpea flour, there are other creative ways to incorporate chickpeas into your favorite baked goods. For instance, replacing traditional oils with tahini, which is made from ground sesame seeds and has a rich, slightly nutty flavor profile. Using ingredients such as flax eggs (made by combining water and ground flaxseeds) can further enhance the nutritional value of your treats while maintaining the desired consistency.

I’ve found that incorporating pureed chickpeas into cookie dough not only adds moisture but also boosts the fiber and protein content of the final product. It’s fascinating how these small legumes can transform classic desserts into healthier alternatives without compromising on taste!

Experimenting with chickpea-based ingredients opens up a world of possibilities in plant-based baking. Whether you’re making gluten-free chocolate chip cookies using chickpea flour or infusing your brownie batter with tahini for added richness, these options allow you to indulge in guilt-free treats while reaping the nutritional benefits of this superfood legume.

Storing Your Vegan Chickpea Chocolate Chip Cookies

Best Methods

The best method is to let them cool completely on a wire rack after baking. Once cooled, place them in an airtight container to maintain their freshness. This will help prevent moisture loss and keep the cookies soft and chewy.

It’s important to note that chickpea chocolate chip cookies tend to dry out more quickly than traditional cookies due to their unique ingredients. To combat this, consider adding a slice of bread or a small piece of apple into the container with the cookies. The bread or apple helps retain moisture, keeping the cookies fresh for longer.

Duration of Freshness

Chickpea chocolate chip cookies can be stored at room temperature for up to 3-5 days while still maintaining their delicious taste and texture. However, if you want to extend their shelf life even further, refrigerating them in an airtight container can keep them fresh for up to one week.

Freezing your chickpea chocolate chip cookies is another excellent option for long-term storage. When properly packaged in an airtight container or freezer bag, these vegan treats can last in the freezer for up to 2-3 months without sacrificing flavor or quality.

I’ve found that storing my chickpea chocolate chip cookies alongside other homemade goodies allows me easy access whenever I crave a sweet treat without worrying about spoilage.

Proper Packaging and Freezing

To ensure optimal freshness when freezing your chickpea chocolate chip cookies, start by arranging them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Place the baking sheet in the freezer until the individual cookie pieces are frozen solid. Once frozen, transfer them into an airtight container or freezer bag with layers of parchment paper between each row of cookies.

When using coconut oil as an ingredient in your recipe instead of regular sugar ensures that it doesn’t harden too much when chilled; thus maintaining its soft texture even after being thawed from freezing.

Other Chickpeas Recipes:

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I hope these vegan chickpea chocolate chip cookies inspire you to get creative in the kitchen and explore the versatility of plant-based baking. Embracing nutritious ingredients like chickpeas can elevate not only the health value but also the taste of your favorite treats. Whether you’re following a vegan lifestyle or simply seeking healthier alternatives, incorporating chickpeas into your desserts can be a delicious and rewarding experience. So, grab your apron, preheat the oven, and let’s bake some wholesome and delectable chickpea chocolate chip cookies together!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use canned chickpeas for the cookies?

Yes, you can use canned chickpeas. Just make sure to drain and rinse them thoroughly before using in the recipe.

Are chickpea chocolate chip cookies gluten-free?

Yes, these cookies are naturally gluten-free as they don’t contain any wheat flour. However, always check your ingredients to ensure they are certified gluten-free if you have a severe allergy.

How long can I store chickpea chocolate chip cookies?

You can store these cookies in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 5 days or freeze them for longer storage.

Can I substitute the coconut oil with another type of oil?

Yes, you can substitute coconut oil with an equal amount of melted butter or vegetable oil based on your preference.

Do chickpea chocolate chip cookies taste like regular cookies?

While they may have a slightly different texture due to the chickpeas, their flavor is comparable to traditional chocolate chip cookies but with added nuttiness from the chickpeas.

chickpea chocolate chip cookies vegan gluten free best recipe

Chickpea Chocolate Chip Cookies

The best recipe for Chickpea Chocolate Chip Cookies
Course Dessert, Snack
Cuisine American, Gluten Free, Vegan
Prep Time 5 minutes
Baking Time 25 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Servings 24
Calories 65kcal
Cost $


  • 1 can chickpeas (or 1.5 cups cooked chickpeas)
  • ½ cup all natural creamy peanut butter
  • cup maple syrup
  • 1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract
  • ¼ teaspoon fine sea salt
  • ¼ teaspoon baking powder
  • ¼ teaspoon baking soda
  • ½ cup vegan mini-chocolate chips
How many Ounces Are in a Cup?
How many Grams are in a Cup?


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees, line 2 cookie sheets with parchment paper and set aside.
  • Add all ingredients except for the chocolate chips into a food processor. Blend for a few minutes or until well combined. Cookie dough should smooth and creamy.
  • Transfer cookie dough to a bowl and fold in chocolate chips.
  • Use a tablespoon and scoop dough into balls and drop onto cookie sheet evenly spaced.
  • Bake for 20-25 minutes.
  • let the vegan chickpea chocolate chip cookies cool down and enjoy 🙂


Go ahead, treat yourself 🙂


Calories: 65kcal | Carbohydrates: 7g | Protein: 1g | Fat: 4g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g | Monounsaturated Fat: 1g | Sodium: 64mg | Potassium: 41mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 5g | Vitamin A: 0.01IU | Calcium: 15mg | Iron: 0.4mg
Cristina C. RD LDN

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