
Baby Led Weaning Ideas: Everything about  BLW I wish I had known!

Baby-led weaning is a feeding approach that encourages toddlers to explore and feed themselves from the very start of their solid food journey, alongside their milk feedings. This method introduces starter foods during family meals, allowing little ones to develop their self-feeding skills. Instead of spoon-feeding purees, baby-led weaning allows toddlers to self-feed with appropriately sized pieces of soft food. This method encourages separate meals and the introduction of starter foods, reducing the reliance on milk feedings. This baby led weaning method promotes independence, fine motor skill development, and a positive relationship with food for toddlers. It is a great way to introduce starter foods and weaning recipes.

Baby Led Weaning Ideas

We’ll discuss how baby led weaning supports self-feeding skills, fostering confidence and autonomy in your little one when introducing starter foods for your toddler. We’ll shed light on why toddler-led weaning has become increasingly popular among parents seeking a more natural and intuitive way to introduce puree and solid foods to their little ones. This guide will provide you with recipe ideas to make the transition easier.

So if you’re looking for creative solid food recipe ideas for your toddler and want to embark on this exciting journey of solid starts with your little one, keep reading for inspiration and practical tips that will make mealtime an enjoyable adventure for both of you.

Understanding Baby-Led Weaning

What is Baby-Led Weaning?

Baby-led weaning or blw is a method of introducing solid foods to babies that allows them to take control of their eating experience. Instead of being spoon-fed purees, babies are encouraged to explore and self-feed with finger foods right from the start using the baby led weaning method. This approach, also known as solid starts, allows babies to develop their motor skills and taste preferences. It’s a great way to introduce a variety of nutritious foods and establish healthy eating habits. Here’s a simple recipe and tip to get started.

Baby-Led Weaning is an alternative method of infant feeding which promotes infant self-feeding from six months, instead of conventional parent spoon-feeding.

While the majority of an infant’s nutritional needs will still be met by breastmilk or formula until about 1 year, complementary foods are still important in boosting an infant’s nutritional intake.

Compared with national exclusive breastfeeding rates, mothers following BLW appear to exclusively breastfeed for longer, with exclusive breastfeeding durations ranging from 18 to 32 weeks

The Principles Behind Baby-Led Weaning

Baby-led weaning follows a few key principles.

Firstly, baby led weaning promotes self-feeding, allowing babies to develop their motor skills by grasping and handling food independently. This tip is a great way to introduce solid starts to your baby’s diet. This baby led weaning tip helps them build confidence and autonomy in their baby food eating habits.

Secondly, baby-led weaning is a great way to introduce solid starts to your baby. It encourages babies to eat at their own pace, following their own recipe for exploring and enjoying new foods. This tip can help your little one develop a healthy relationship with food from the very beginning. With baby led weaning, babies learn to recognize hunger and fullness cues, which is a helpful tip for preventing overeating later in life. This solid starts approach is great for introducing new foods and recipes. By practicing baby led weaning, a method that encourages babies to self-feed and decide how much they want to eat, parents can promote a healthy relationship with food from an early age. This recipe and tip from Solid Starts can help parents get started with baby led weaning.

Lastly, in the solid starts recipe, baby-led weaning emphasizes the importance of offering a variety of nutritious foods. Babies are introduced to baby led weaning, different textures, flavors, and colors right from the beginning with solid starts. Try this delicious recipe! This exposure to baby led weaning helps expand their palate and encourages them to become adventurous eaters as they grow older. Try this recipe from Solid Starts to introduce new flavors and textures to your little one’s diet.

How Baby-Led Weaning Differs from Traditional Spoon Feeding

One significant difference between baby-led weaning and traditional spoon feeding is the role of the caregiver in introducing solid starts with a recipe. In baby-led weaning, caregivers act as facilitators rather than feeders. This approach is perfect for introducing solid starts to your baby. They provide an appropriate recipe for finger foods for the baby to explore but let the baby take charge of what goes into their mouth.

Another distinction lies in the texture of the food offered in a baby led weaning recipe. With traditional spoon feeding, purees are typically used initially before gradually introducing chunkier textures. However, with baby led weaning, recipes can be used to introduce a variety of textures and flavors right from the start. In contrast, baby-led weaning skips purees altogether and focuses on providing soft finger foods that babies can easily grasp and chew. This recipe for baby-led weaning is a great way to introduce your little one to solid foods.

While traditional spoon feeding often involves coaxing or enticing babies to eat more through games or distractions, the baby-led weaning recipe allows babies to develop their natural hunger and fullness cues. This approach encourages self-regulation and helps prevent overfeeding.

It’s important to note that baby-led weaning may not be suitable for all babies, especially those with certain medical conditions or developmental delays. However, if you’re looking for a delicious and nutritious recipe to introduce your baby to solid foods, be sure to check out our baby-led weaning recipe collection. Before starting any new feeding method, such as baby led weaning, it’s always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional.

Preparing for Baby-Led Weaning

When to Start Introducing Solids

Starting solid foods is an exciting milestone in your baby’s life, and timing is key. One important aspect to consider is finding the right recipe for your baby’s first taste of solid food. It’s generally recommended to wait until around six months before introducing solids, as this is when babies’ digestive systems are more developed and they can sit up with support. However, when it comes to baby led weaning, introducing solids can begin as early as six months. This baby led weaning recipe is a great option for introducing solid foods to your little one. However, every baby is different, so it’s important to look for signs of readiness when preparing a recipe.

Signs of Readiness BLW to introduce your baby to baby led weaning

Recognizing Signs of Readiness

As a parent, you want to make sure your baby is ready for the journey of baby led weaning and exploring new tastes and textures. Try this delicious baby led weaning recipe to introduce your little one to new flavors. Look out for these signs that indicate your baby may be ready for solids. Are you looking for a recipe to introduce solids to your baby?

  • Your baby can sit up with minimal support.
  • They have good head control.
  • They show interest in food by reaching or grabbing for it, especially when looking for a new recipe.
  • They have lost the tongue-thrust reflex (pushing food out of their mouth with their tongue) when trying a new recipe.

Creating a Safe and Supportive Environment

Creating a safe environment is crucial. Here are some tips to ensure your little one can safely explore food and try out new recipes.

  • Choose an appropriate finger foods recipe: Opt for a soft recipe that is easy to pick up and chew, like a cooked vegetables recipe or a ripe fruits recipe cut into small pieces.
  • Avoid choking hazards when preparing baby food recipe: Stay away from hard foods, small round objects like grapes or cherry tomatoes, and sticky foods that could get stuck in your baby’s throat.
  • Supervise mealtime: Always keep an eye on your baby while they’re eating their recipe. Sit with them during meals and make sure they’re sitting upright in a high chair or supported seat while following the recipe.

Introducing a Variety of Foods

Baby-led weaning introduces a variety of flavors and textures to your little one through the use of recipes. Here are some ideas to get started:

  • Offer a range of fruits and vegetables in your baby’s recipe: From sweet potatoes and avocados to bananas and blueberries, there are endless options to introduce your baby to a variety of flavors.
  • Try offering soft pieces of cooked chicken, fish, or tofu in their diet recipe for added protein.
  • Experiment with different textures in your recipe: Gradually introduce foods with varying textures, such as mashed potatoes or well-cooked pasta.

Seeking Inspiration from Weaning Recipes

If you’re looking for more ideas and inspiration, there are plenty of weaning recipes available online.

Essential Tools for Baby-Led Weaning

Must-Have Tools for Success

Having the right tools can make all the difference. Here are a few essential items that will help you and your little one navigate this exciting journey, including a recipe.

  1. A sturdy and secure high chair is crucial for self-feeding babies. Look for a wide base and a harness to keep your little explorer safe and comfortable during mealtime. This recipe is perfect for finding the right high chair.
  2. Utensils are essential for introducing your baby to new textures and tastes. Providing them with the right utensils is crucial in this process. Look for soft-tipped spoons that are gentle on their gums and easy to hold when trying out a new recipe. These spoons can be great for scooping up mashed vegetables or feeding themselves yogurt. They are especially useful when following a recipe.
  3. Plates and Bowls: Choose child-friendly plates and bowls for little hands when following a recipe. These suction-based bowls are perfect for your baby to independently scoop up food with ease, especially when following a recipe.
  4. Bibs: Let’s face it, mealtimes can get messy! Invest in some waterproof bibs that are easy to wipe clean or machine washable for your recipe. This recipe will save you from constantly changing clothes after every meal.

Best High Chair Options

Choosing the right high chair is essential for a successful baby-led weaning experience. Additionally, finding a good recipe can greatly enhance the weaning process. Here are a few options worth considering:

  1. The Stokke Tripp Trapp high chair is a versatile product that can be used from infancy through adulthood, making it the perfect choice for families looking for a long-lasting seating solution. With its adjustable design, this high chair allows your child to sit comfortably at the table, ensuring they are included in family meals and gatherings. Whether you’re looking for a high chair for your baby or a seat for your older child, the Stokke Tripp Trapp has got you covered.
  2. The IKEA Antilop high chair is an affordable yet functional option for parents. This lightweight chair is easy to clean and features a safety belt to keep your little one secure. It’s the perfect addition to your kitchen for mealtime with your family.
  3. The OXO Tot Sprout high chair is the perfect solution for parents looking for a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing option for their growing baby. With adjustable seat height and depth, this high chair ensures optimal comfort as your baby grows. Whether you’re feeding them their favorite recipe or simply enjoying mealtime together, the OXO Tot Sprout high chair has you covered.

Helpful Utensils and Plates for Baby Led Weaning

Simplicity is key. Here are a few recipe options that are perfect for little hands.

  1. EZPZ Happy Mat: This all-in-one placemat and plate suctions to the table, making it difficult for your baby to knock over their food. With this recipe, you can enjoy a mess-free mealtime with your little one.
  2. NumNum Pre-Spoon Gootensil: This utensil is perfect for babies learning to self-feed with purees or mashed foods. Its flat head makes it easy to scoop up the food. Try using it for your baby’s first recipe!
  3. VITEVER 4 Pack Suction Plates with Lids – Divided plates to separate different foods:
    Crafted from 100% baby-safe silicone, these premium plates offer a non-toxic dining experience free from BPA, latex, lead, phthalates, and PVC. Withstanding high and low temperatures, the plates feature four suction cups for strong stability, making them spill-resistant during self-feeding on highchair trays. The divided design facilitates portioning, and the plates come with charming animal-themed lids for on-the-go meals. Unbreakable and sturdy, these plates handle large food quantities without compromising, making them travel-friendly and suitable for outdoor use. With four adorable colors, these plates turn self-eating into an engaging and mess-free experience, transforming mealtime into a fun and enjoyable activity for you and your little one.

Starter Foods and Recipes for BLW

It’s important to offer a variety of nutritious starter foods that are suitable for your little one, including recipe options. Here are some ideas and recipes to get you started on your BLW journey.

Nutritious Starter Foods

To ensure your baby gets a good balance of nutrients, it’s essential to offer a range of foods from different food groups. One way to do this is by trying out various baby recipe ideas that incorporate a variety of ingredients from different food groups. Soft fruits and vegetables are excellent options as first foods for Baby-Led Weaning (BLW). BLW recipe They provide essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber while being easy for babies to pick up and chew. This recipe is perfect for introducing nutritious ingredients to your little one’s diet.

Consider offering soft fruits like ripe bananas, avocados, or cooked apples as finger foods. These fruits can be a great addition to any recipe. These can be easily mashed or cut into small pieces for your baby to grasp and explore in a recipe. Steamed carrots, sweet potatoes, or broccoli florets are great choices for a vegetable recipe. Remember to cook the recipe until it is soft enough for your baby to mash with their gums.

Ideas for Preparing Soft Fruits and Vegetables

Preparing soft fruits and vegetables for BLW is simple and doesn’t require much effort. When following a BLW recipe, it’s important to choose soft fruits and vegetables that are easy for babies to handle and eat. For example, you can use this recipe to slice ripe bananas into thin rounds or mash them with a fork until they have a smooth consistency. Avocados can be mashed with a bit of breast milk or formula to create a creamy texture in this recipe. Additionally, they can also be cut into small cubes.

When cooking vegetables like carrots or sweet potatoes, follow this recipe to ensure they are tender enough that they can be easily squished between your fingers. You can then cut them into long strips or small chunks, following this recipe, that your baby can hold onto comfortably.

Simple Recipes for Self-Feeding

If you’re looking for some recipe inspiration beyond basic fruits and veggies, there are plenty of simple options you can try. One popular choice is a homemade sweet potato fries recipe: just slice peeled sweet potatoes into thin strips, toss them in olive oil, sprinkle with a pinch of salt (optional), and bake in the oven until they are crispy and golden.

Another tasty option is baked apple slices. To make this apple recipe, core an apple and cut it into thin rounds. Then, place the apple rounds on a baking sheet that is lined with parchment paper. Sprinkle some cinnamon on top of the recipe for added flavor, and bake until the apples in the recipe are soft and slightly caramelized.

For a protein-packed recipe option, you can make mini meatballs using ground chicken or turkey. Mix the ground meat with breadcrumbs, egg, and your choice of seasonings to create a delicious recipe.

Breakfast Ideas for Baby-Led Weaning

Healthy and Easy Breakfast Options

Breakfast can be an exciting time to try out new recipe ideas and experiment with different flavors and textures. When preparing meals for your little one, it’s crucial to select nutritious recipe options that are both easy to handle and chew.

One great idea is to offer soft fruits like banana or avocado slices in a recipe. These recipe are not only nutritious but also easy for babies to pick up and feed themselves. Another option is yogurt, which provides calcium and protein. You can serve the recipe plain or mix in some mashed fruits for added flavor.

Creative Ways to Incorporate Grains, Dairy, and Protein

Grains are an essential part of a balanced breakfast. You can introduce the recipe by offering whole grain toast strips or mini pancakes made with oatmeal or quinoa flour. These recipe options provide fiber and energy for your growing baby.

For a dairy recipe, you can try serving small pieces of cheese or yogurt drops made by freezing spoonfuls of yogurt on a baking sheet. This not only adds calcium but also helps soothe teething gums.

Protein is crucial for your baby’s growth and development. Soft-boiled eggs are a fantastic source of protein, iron, and vitamins. Cut the egg into small pieces so that your little one can easily grab them.

Nutrient-Rich Finger Food Ideas

To keep your baby satisfied until lunchtime, it’s important to offer nutrient-rich finger foods during breakfast.

One option is homemade oatmeal bars made with mashed bananas, oats, and nut butter. These bars are packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

Another idea is mini vegetable frittatas made with grated zucchini or spinach mixed with beaten eggs. They are not only delicious but also a great way to introduce vegetables early on.

You can also try offering small pieces of cooked sweet potato or roasted butternut squash as finger foods rich in vitamins A and C.

Remember that every baby is different, so it’s essential to monitor their reactions to new foods and adjust accordingly. Always ensure that the food is cooked well and cut into appropriate sizes to avoid choking hazards.

Incorporating a variety of healthy options will help expose your little one to different flavors and textures, promoting a diverse palate as they grow.

So, get creative with your baby-led weaning breakfasts! Explore these ideas and have fun introducing nutritious meals that are easy for your little one to handle and enjoy.

Lunch and Dinner Delights for BLW

Looking for some tasty lunch and dinner ideas for your little self-feeder? We’ve got you covered with a variety of delicious meal options that are perfect for baby-led weaning. Let’s dive in and explore the wonderful world of solid foods!

Get Inspired with Food Groups Galore

It’s important to offer a wide range of food groups. This helps ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients for their growth and development. So, let’s take a look at how we can incorporate different food groups into our meal ideas.

Proteins: Building Blocks for Growth

Proteins are essential for your baby’s growth and muscle development. Consider offering them finger-friendly protein sources like soft-cooked chicken or turkey strips, flaked fish, scrambled eggs, or mashed beans. These options not only provide vital nutrients but also encourage independent eating skills.

Grains: Fueling Little Explorers

Grains are an excellent source of energy for active little ones. Offer whole-grain toast soldiers, cooked pasta shapes, rice cakes, or quinoa patties as great finger foods that are easy to grasp and chew. These grain-based delights will keep your baby fueled throughout the day.

Vegetables: Colorful and Nutritious Bites

Vegetables add vibrant colors and essential vitamins to your baby’s meals. Roasted sweet potato wedges, steamed broccoli florets, carrot sticks, or avocado slices can be fantastic choices. Encourage exploration by presenting a variety of colorful veggies to entice their taste buds.

Legumes: Plant-Powered Goodness

Legumes offer plant-based protein along with fiber and other essential nutrients. Introduce mashed chickpeas or lentils as spreads on crackers or serve up some black bean patties as a nutritious option. These legume-based creations will add a burst of flavor and texture to your baby’s mealtime.

Adapting Family Meals for Your Little One

As a busy parent, it can be challenging to prepare separate meals for your little one. The good news is that you can adapt your family meals to suit their needs! Here are some tips:

  • Cut food into appropriate sizes: Ensure that the food pieces are small enough for your baby to grasp and chew safely.

Healthy Snack Options for BLW

Offering nutritious and convenient snacks is essential for self-feeding babies. Snacks not only provide additional opportunities for babies to explore different flavors and textures but also help in meeting their nutritional needs. Here are some ideas on how to offer a variety of healthy snacks that include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and proteins.

Balance of Fruits, Vegetables, Whole Grains, and Proteins

Snacks play a crucial role in providing a balanced diet for your little one. Including a mix of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and proteins ensures that they receive the necessary nutrients. For finger foods rich in fruits and vegetables, you can offer slices of ripe avocado or soft cooked carrots. These options are easy for babies to grasp and chew on their own.

Whole grains can be introduced through snacks like small pieces of toast or mini rice cakes. You can even try offering homemade oatmeal cookies made with mashed banana or applesauce as a healthier alternative to store-bought cookies.

Proteins are an important component of your baby’s diet as they aid in growth and development. Consider offering soft-cooked chicken strips or tofu cubes as snack options. These protein-rich foods provide essential nutrients while also helping your baby practice their fine motor skills.

Introducing Allergenic Foods Safely

Introducing allergenic foods during snack time is an important aspect of BLW. It is recommended to introduce these foods one at a time and wait at least three days before introducing another new food. This allows you to monitor any potential allergic reactions.

Some common allergenic foods include eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, dairy products, soy products, wheat products, fish, and shellfish. You can incorporate these foods into snacks by offering scrambled eggs or thinly spread peanut butter on toast fingers. However, always consult with your pediatrician before introducing allergenic foods to ensure it aligns with your baby’s specific needs.

Foods to Avoid During Baby-Led Weaning

During your baby’s exciting journey of exploring solid foods through baby-led weaning, it’s essential to be aware of which foods may not be suitable for them. Some foods can pose choking hazards or trigger allergies in little ones. Let’s dive into the important points you need to know!

Choking Hazards and Allergenic Foods

Safety is a top priority. Certain foods can present a higher risk of choking due to their texture, size, or shape. It’s crucial to avoid these potential hazards and ensure your baby enjoys their meals without any incidents.

Common culprits that should be avoided include:

  • Whole nuts or large seeds: These can easily get lodged in your baby’s throat.
  • Hard candies or lollipops: They pose a high risk of choking and are not suitable for babies.
  • Raw vegetables: Crunchy raw veggies like carrots or celery sticks may be difficult for your little one to chew properly.

There are certain allergenic foods that should be introduced with caution during baby-led weaning. These include:

  • Eggs
  • Dairy products (such as cow’s milk, cheese, and yogurt)
  • Peanuts and tree nuts
  • Wheat
  • Soy
  • Fish and shellfish

Modifying Foods for Safety

While some foods might initially seem unsafe for your baby, you can modify them to make them suitable for their developing chewing skills. Here are some tips on how you can adapt certain foods:

  1. Cook vegetables until they are soft enough for easy chewing.
  2. Cut fruits into small pieces or mash them to reduce the risk of choking.
  3. Remove skins from fruits like apples or pears before offering them to your little one.
  4. Steam hard vegetables like carrots or broccoli until they become tender.
  5. Offer breads and grains that are soft and easy to chew, such as lightly toasted bread or cooked pasta.
  6. Shred or finely chop meats to make them more manageable for your baby.

Remember, always closely supervise your baby during mealtime and ensure they are sitting upright in a safe high chair. It’s also a good idea to consult with your pediatrician before introducing any new foods, especially allergenic ones, to check if there is a family history of allergies.

By being aware of the potential choking hazards and allergenic foods, you can create a safe environment for your baby-led weaning journey.

BLW Ideas Food Chart

Food Group

BLW Foods


Banana, Mango, Cooked Apple, Strawberry


Sweet Potato, Carrots, Broccoli


Oatmeal, Quinoa, Rice


Chicken, Tofu, Lentils


Yogurt, Cheese

Healthy Fats

Avocado, Nut Butter

Finger Foods

Toast, Puffs, Teething Biscuits


Water, Breast Milk

Baby-Led Weaning Food Chart

Explore comprehensive insights into Baby-Led Weaning BLW Foods & More with in-depth reading:

Advancing Baby-Led Weaning Practices

Gradually Increasing Textures and Flavors

As your baby grows and becomes more comfortable with self-feeding, it’s important to introduce a variety of textures and flavors to their meals. This helps them develop their taste preferences and encourages them to explore different foods. Start by offering soft, easily chewable foods like cooked vegetables, fruits, or well-cooked grains. As they become more adept at handling these textures, you can gradually introduce firmer foods such as lightly steamed or roasted vegetables, diced fruits, or small pieces of meat. By exposing your baby to a range of textures, you’re helping them develop their chewing skills and preparing them for a wider variety of foods.

Encouraging Independent Eating Skills

One of the key aspects of baby-led weaning is promoting independent eating skills. Allow your little one to take control of their meals by offering finger foods that they can pick up and eat on their own. This helps develop their hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. You can offer bite-sized pieces of food that are easy for them to grasp, such as small cubes of cheese or soft fruits like banana slices. It’s important to remember that babies may not always get all the food into their mouths at first – it’s a learning process! Be patient and let them explore at their own pace.

Introducing Utensils for Self-Spoon Feeding

As your baby becomes more proficient in self-feeding, you can start introducing utensils to encourage self-spoon feeding. Offer a small spoon with a shallow bowl that is easy for them to hold and manipulate. Initially, they may use the spoon as a teething toy or simply play with it rather than using it for eating. That’s perfectly normal! Give them time to practice holding the spoon and bringing it towards their mouth independently. You can also model how to use the spoon by eating alongside them. Eventually, they will start imitating your actions and attempt to scoop food onto the spoon themselves.

Seeking Guidance from Professionals

If you have any concerns or questions about your baby’s feeding journey, it’s always a good idea to seek guidance from professionals such as a pediatric occupational therapist or a registered dietitian (RD/RDN). They can provide valuable insights and personalized advice based on your baby’s specific needs.

I wish you a wonderful start with baby-led weaning!

Congratulations on completing this comprehensive guide to baby-led weaning! By now, you have gained a solid understanding of what baby-led weaning is and how to prepare for this exciting journey with your little one. You have learned about the essential tools needed for successful baby-led weaning and explored a variety of starter foods, recipes, and meal ideas. You are now equipped with knowledge about advancing baby-led weaning practices and foods to avoid during this process.

As you embark on your baby-led weaning adventure, remember to trust your child’s instincts and allow them to explore food at their own pace. Offer a wide range of nutritious options while being mindful of any potential choking hazards. Stay patient and flexible, as every baby is unique in their development and preferences. Most importantly, enjoy this special bonding time with your little one as they explore new tastes and textures.

For more information, don’t forget to read our First BLW Foods Guide.

Now that you have the tools and knowledge, it’s time to put them into practice! Embrace the messiness, celebrate each milestone, and savor the joy of watching your baby discover the world of food. Bon appétit!


How can I introduce baby-led weaning to my child?

Start by offering soft, age-appropriate finger foods in a safe and supervised environment. Allow your child to explore and self-feed at their own pace, encouraging them to try new textures and flavors. Offer a variety of nutritious options to promote healthy eating habits.

Is baby-led weaning suitable for all babies?

Start by offering soft, age-appropriate finger foods in a safe and supervised environment. Allow your child to explore and self-feed at their own pace, encouraging them to try new textures and flavors. Offer a variety of nutritious options to promote healthy eating habits.

Are there any choking hazards associated with baby-led weaning?

While the risk of choking exists with any type of feeding, practicing proper food preparation and supervision can help minimize this risk. Offer appropriately sized pieces of food that are easy for your baby to grasp and chew. Stay vigilant during mealtimes and be prepared to respond quickly if needed.

How do I ensure my baby is getting enough nutrients through baby-led weaning?

Offer a variety of nutrient-dense foods from different food groups. Include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein sources (like lean meats or legumes), and healthy fats. Breast milk or formula should continue to be an important part of your baby’s diet until they are at least one year old.

Can I combine traditional spoon-feeding with baby-led weaning?

Yes! Many parents choose to incorporate both methods into their child’s feeding journey. You can offer purees alongside finger foods, allowing your little one to explore different textures while still receiving the benefits of self-feeding. Find what works best for you and your baby’s preferences.

Cristina C. RD LDN

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