
First BLW Foods: Ultimate Guide for Baby-Led Weaning

“Every baby deserves a chance to explore and discover the joy of food with the baby led weaning approach. With this weaning method, we empower infants to take the lead in their feeding journey right from the start. Say goodbye to traditional baby foods and hello to a world of self-feeding adventures!”

BLW, or Baby-Led Weaning, is a revolutionary approach to introducing solid foods that celebrates independence and encourages infants to explore different tastes and textures at their own pace.

First BLW Foods

With BLW, breastmilk remains the primary source of nutrition for babies, while bread and pureed meals are gradually introduced to complement their diet. Instead of spoon-feeding, babies are introduced to the baby led weaning approach by offering them appropriately sized finger foods that they can grasp, gnaw on, and enjoy. This weaning approach encourages babies to explore different baby foods on their own. Baby led weaning is a great way for babies to develop their fine motor skills while discovering new flavors in baby food. It’s especially fun when they get to eat foods like yogurt that they can easily pick up and eat on their own. Cooking baby food for baby led weaning allows them to explore different tastes and textures while practicing self-feeding.

Whether you’re considering baby led weaning (BLW) as an alternative or complementary approach to traditional spoon-feeding, this blog post will guide you through the basics of first BLW foods for your infant. Get ready for an exciting culinary journey with your little one as you introduce them to the world of baby food and baby led weaning. Cook up a storm and watch as your baby explores new flavors and textures with table foods.

Preparing for Baby-Led Weaning First Foods

Before you start with Baby-Led Weaning (BLW), there are a few important tips to consider when introducing solid food. It’s crucial to cook the table food properly for your baby’s safety and health. Ensuring your baby can sit up unassisted is crucial when it comes to cooking and serving meals every day. This tip helps prevent choking hazards and promotes safe eating practices. Creating a safe eating environment is essential when you cook and serve food to your baby. Remove any potential hazards from the area where your baby will be eating and provide appropriate utensils that are easy for them to hold. This tip will help ensure a smooth and enjoyable mealtime experience every day.

Familiarize yourself with the signs of readiness for solids. Look for good head control in your baby, as this indicates they are ready to explore different textures and tastes while cooking. This tip will help you serve a variety of dishes to your little one every day. Showing an interest in food is another tip for baby led weaning. Babies may reach out or show curiosity when they see others eating. This is a good sign that they are ready to cook and serve their own meals. These signs indicate that your baby may be ready to embark on their baby led weaning (BLW) journey.

When starting baby led weaning, it's crucial to serve breastmilk or formula as the main source of nutrition for babies under 12 months old. The purpose of baby led weaning (BLW) is to serve as a way to complement their milk intake and help them develop their self-feeding skills.

As you begin BLW, you might wonder what types of foods are suitable for your baby. Start with soft foods that are easy for baby led weaning, such as cooked beans or mashed banana.

Avoid hard or round foods like whole grapes or nuts when practicing baby led weaning, as they could pose a choking hazard.

While some parents prefer to offer purees alongside baby led weaning (BLW), it’s not necessary if you choose not to do so. The beauty of BLW lies in allowing your baby to explore different textures and taste sensations on their own terms.

One common concern among parents starting baby led weaning (BLW) is the introduction of allergenic foods like peanut butter during the process. Research has shown that early introduction of allergenic foods through baby led weaning may actually reduce the risk of developing allergies later in life. However, it’s always best to consult with your pediatrician before introducing any new food into your baby’s diet, especially if you have a family history of allergies.

Some parents choose to let their baby lead the way and explore self-feeding with their hands. Others may introduce a traditional spoon to encourage early utensil skills during baby led weaning.

Best First Foods for Baby-Led Weaning

Best First Foods for Baby-Led Weaning

Different Structures of BLW Foods

When practicing baby led weaning, it’s crucial to select safe, nutritious, and easy-to-handle foods for your little one. Here are some of the best first foods you can offer your little one when practicing baby led weaning.

BLW Soft Fruits: Bananas, Avocados, and Cooked Apples

Soft fruits are excellent introductory foods for baby-led weaning. Baby led weaning makes it easy for little ones to mash food with their gums while also providing essential nutrients. Bananas are a great choice as they are naturally soft and creamy. Avocados, known as “nature’s butter,” have a smooth texture that is gentle on your baby’s palate. Cooked apples can be mashed or cut into small pieces for your little one to explore.

BLW Steamed Vegetables: Carrots, Broccoli, and Sweet Potatoes

Steamed vegetables are another ideal option when starting baby-led weaning. Carrots can be steamed until tender and cut into finger-sized strips for your baby to grasp easily. Broccoli florets can also be steamed until soft enough for them to chew on safely. Sweet potatoes can be cooked until fork-tender and then sliced into sticks or cubes.

BLW Soft Protein Sources: Well-Cooked Chicken or Tofu Strips

Introducing protein-rich foods is important for your baby’s growth and development. Well-cooked chicken strips make an excellent choice as they are soft and easy to chew. Make sure the chicken is thoroughly cooked with no pink in the center before offering it to your little one. Tofu strips can also be given as a vegetarian option, providing a good source of plant-based protein.

When offering these first foods during baby-led weaning, ensure they are prepared appropriately:

  • Soft fruits like bananas should be ripe enough that they easily mash with gentle pressure.
  • Steamed vegetables should be cooked until they are soft and easily squished between your fingers.
  • Chicken should be cooked thoroughly, with no pink or raw areas.
  • Tofu strips should be well-cooked and cut into finger-sized portions.

Remember to always supervise your baby during mealtime and offer foods that are appropriate for their age and developmental stage.

Chart Baby Lead Weaning First Foods

Food Group

BLW Foods


Banana, Mango, Cooked Apple, Strawberry


Sweet Potato, Carrots, Broccoli


Oatmeal, Quinoa, Rice


Chicken, Tofu, Lentils


Yogurt, Cheese

Healthy Fats

Avocado, Nut Butter

Finger Foods

Toast, Puffs, Teething Biscuits


Water, Breast Milk

Baby-Led Weaning Food Chart

Explore comprehensive insights into BLW Foods & More with in-depth reading:

Click here for more about Baby Led Weaning Ideas.

Common Protein Sources for Baby-Led Weaning in First Foods

Protein Sources for Baby-Led Weaning

Meat and Poultry

Meat and poultry are excellent sources of protein for baby-led weaning. Cooked chicken, turkey, beef, or pork can be cut into small, manageable pieces for your little one to grasp and chew. These meats are rich in essential nutrients like iron, zinc, and vitamin B12, which are crucial for your baby’s growth and development.


Introducing fish as a protein source during baby-led weaning is highly beneficial. Fish like salmon, cod, or haddock provide omega-3 fatty acids that support brain development. Ensure the fish is boneless and thoroughly cooked before offering it to your baby. Flake the fish into small chunks to make it easier for them to handle.


Eggs are an excellent source of protein and other essential nutrients like choline and vitamin D. Scrambled eggs or omelets cut into strips can be great options for introducing eggs during baby-led weaning. Make sure the eggs are fully cooked to reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses.


Legumes such as lentils, chickpeas (garbanzo beans), black beans, or kidney beans are fantastic plant-based protein sources suitable for baby-led weaning. You can offer these legumes in mashed form or cook them until they become soft enough for your little one to manage independently.


Tofu is a versatile protein option that provides essential amino acids necessary for growth and development. It has a soft texture that makes it easy for babies to handle. Cut tofu into small cubes or slices before offering it as a finger food.

Dairy Products

Dairy products like yogurt and cheese can also serve as protein-rich options during baby-led weaning. Opting for plain varieties without added sugars is recommended. You can offer small spoonfuls of yogurt or cut cheese into small pieces for your baby to explore.

Nut and Seed Butters

Nut and seed butters, such as peanut butter or almond butter, can be introduced after checking for allergies. Spread a thin layer of nut or seed butter on toast or offer it alongside soft fruits like banana. Make sure the consistency is appropriate for your baby’s age and ability to handle.

How to Cut First Foods Safely for BLW

When introducing solid foods through Baby-Led Weaning (BLW), it’s crucial to ensure that the foods are cut into appropriate sizes and shapes to prevent choking hazards. Here are some important guidelines to follow when cutting foods for BLW:

1. Size Matters

Cutting foods into manageable sizes is essential for your baby’s safety during BLW. Aim for pieces that are about the size of an adult pinky finger or a matchstick. This allows your baby to easily grasp and manipulate the food while reducing the risk of choking.

2. Soft and Cooked

Ensure that all foods offered in BLW are soft and cooked thoroughly. Soft, well-cooked foods are easier for babies to chew and swallow safely. Avoid giving raw or hard foods, such as whole nuts or uncooked carrots, which can pose a choking hazard.

3. Shapes and Textures

Varying the shapes and textures of the food you offer can help stimulate your baby’s sensory development and encourage exploration during BLW. Cut fruits and vegetables into different shapes like sticks, cubes, spirals (more about Zucchini Spirals here: Air Food) or rounds to provide a variety of textures for your little one to explore.

4. Remove Hazards

Before offering any food to your baby, be sure to remove any potential hazards such as seeds, pits, bones, or tough skins that could cause choking or discomfort.

5. Supervision is Key

Always closely supervise your baby during mealtime when practicing BLW. Babies should never be left alone while eating as they may encounter difficulties with chewing or swallowing.

By following these guidelines on how to cut foods safely for BLW, you can ensure that your little one has a positive experience exploring new tastes and textures while minimizing the risk of choking hazards.

Remember, every child is unique in their readiness for solid foods, so it’s important to consult with your pediatrician before starting BLW. They can provide guidance specific to your baby’s developmental needs and help ensure a safe and enjoyable feeding journey.

Video First BLW Foods

Age Guidelines for Starting BLW

It’s important to consider their readiness and developmental milestones. Baby-Led Weaning (BLW) is a method that allows babies to explore and self-feed solid foods from the start, rather than relying on purees.

Here are some age guidelines to keep in mind before starting BLW First Foods:

Most babies are ready for BLW around 6 months when they can sit up unsupported and have lost their tongue-thrust reflex.

At around 6 months of age, most babies have developed the necessary motor skills to sit up without support. This is important for safe and independent feeding during BLW. By this age, babies typically lose their tongue-thrust reflex. This reflex helps protect them from choking by pushing food out of their mouths with their tongues but can interfere with self-feeding.

Consult with your pediatrician before starting if you have any concerns about your baby’s readiness.

While these age guidelines provide a general framework for starting BLW, every baby develops at their own pace. It’s essential to consult with your pediatrician or healthcare provider before beginning BLW if you have any concerns about your baby’s readiness. They can assess your baby’s individual development and offer guidance tailored to their specific needs.

Remember that every baby develops at their own pace, so it’s important to observe their individual cues.

As parents or caregivers, it’s crucial to pay attention to your baby’s cues and signals indicating readiness for solid foods. These cues may include showing an interest in food during mealtimes, reaching out for objects or food items, or displaying good head control while sitting upright. By observing these cues, you can gauge whether your little one is ready for BLW or if they may need more time before introducing solids.

By following these age guidelines and consulting with your healthcare provider, you can ensure a safe and appropriate start to your baby’s BLW journey. Remember, each baby is unique, and it’s important to respect their individual developmental timeline.

Benefits and Safety of Baby-Led Weaning First Foods

Promotes self-regulation of appetite

Baby-led weaning (BLW) offers numerous nutritional benefits for infants. One of the key advantages is that it promotes self-regulation of appetite. By allowing babies to explore and choose their own foods, BLW encourages them to listen to their hunger cues and eat according to their needs. This can help prevent overeating later in life, as children who are accustomed to regulating their own intake are less likely to develop unhealthy eating habits.

Encourages fine motor skill development

Another benefit of baby-led weaning is its positive impact on fine motor skill development. Through BLW, babies have the opportunity to practice grasping and hand-eye coordination as they pick up and handle different types of food. This process helps strengthen their hand muscles and improves dexterity, setting a solid foundation for future fine motor skills such as writing, drawing, and using utensils.

Always supervise your baby during meals

While baby-led weaning has many advantages, it’s crucial to ensure the safety of your little one during mealtime. Always supervise your baby closely when they are eating to minimize any potential choking hazards. Make sure that food pieces are cut into appropriate sizes and shapes that are easy for your baby to handle and chew. It’s also important to be aware of common choking hazards such as whole grapes, nuts, or hard candies.

Create a safe feeding environment

To provide a safe feeding experience for your baby, create an environment that minimizes distractions and potential hazards. Choose a comfortable high chair or booster seat with appropriate support for your baby’s posture. Ensure that the area where you feed your child is clean and free from any dangerous objects or substances within reach.

Introduce a variety of nutritious foods

When practicing baby-led weaning, it’s essential to introduce a wide range of nutritious foods gradually. Offer a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and proteins to ensure your baby receives a balanced diet. This exposure to different flavors and textures early on can help develop their taste preferences and promote healthy eating habits in the long run.

Seek guidance from healthcare professionals

If you have any concerns or questions about baby-led weaning, it’s always a good idea to seek guidance from healthcare professionals.

Introducing Allergenic Foods and Iron-Rich Options

It’s important to consider their nutrition needs. Gradually introducing different foods can help them develop a diverse palate and provide essential nutrients for growth and development.

Gradually introduce common allergenic foods

Introducing solid foods is an exciting milestone for both you and your little one. However, it’s crucial to introduce common allergenic foods one at a time while monitoring for any adverse reactions. This approach allows you to identify specific food allergies or sensitivities that your baby may have.

Some common allergens include eggs, dairy products, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, wheat, fish, and shellfish. By introducing these potential allergens separately over a period of time, you can better pinpoint any allergic reactions and seek appropriate medical advice if needed.

Include iron-rich foods for growth and development

Iron is an essential nutrient that plays a vital role in your baby’s growth and development. As you start introducing solid foods, it’s important to incorporate iron-rich options into their diet. Fortified cereals are a great source of iron and can be easily mixed with breast milk or formula.

Lean meats such as chicken or turkey are also excellent choices as they provide high-quality protein along with iron. If you follow a vegetarian or vegan diet, legumes like lentils or beans are good alternatives that offer both protein and iron.

Consult with a healthcare professional

If you have a family history of food allergies or concerns about introducing allergenic foods to your baby, it is always best to consult with a healthcare professional. They can provide personalized guidance based on your child’s specific needs.

A healthcare professional will be able to advise you on when and how to introduce different types of allergenic foods, as well as address any concerns you may have. They can help ensure that your baby’s diet is balanced and meets their nutritional requirements.

Motor Skill Development and Mealtime Practices

How Baby-Led Weaning Encourages Motor Development

Feeding your baby solid foods is an exciting milestone in their development. It not only introduces them to new flavors and textures but also plays a crucial role in their motor skill development and mealtime practices. Here are some important points to consider.

BLW Supports Development of Essential Skills

When babies engage in BLW, they have the opportunity to develop important skills such as hand-eye coordination, chewing abilities, and self-feeding skills. By offering a variety of textures, shapes, and sizes of foods, you encourage exploration and enhance their ability to grasp objects and bring them to their mouth.

Encourage Exploration with Different Foods

To support your baby’s sensory development, it’s essential to offer a wide range of table foods during mealtimes. You can serve soft fruits like bananas or avocado slices that they can easily pick up with their fingers. Toast cut into manageable pieces or steamed vegetables are also great options for them to practice chewing.

Allow Self-Feeding at Their Own Pace

One of the key principles of BLW is allowing your baby to feed themselves at their own pace without rushing or intervening too much. This approach fosters independence and helps develop self-regulation. While it may be tempting to help them by spoon-feeding or taking over when they struggle, it’s important to resist this urge and let them explore on their own.

Tips for Successful BLW

To ensure a positive experience with BLW, here are some practical tips:

  1. Offer a variety of nutritious foods from different food groups.
  2. Cut food into appropriate finger-sized pieces for easy grasping.
  3. Create a safe eating environment by using high chairs or booster seats.
  4. Supervise your baby closely during mealtimes.
  5. Be patient as they learn to navigate different textures and tastes.

Research on BLW

Research studies have shown that BLW can have several benefits for infants. A study published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics found that babies who followed a BLW approach were more likely to have a healthier body weight compared to those who were spoon-fed.

Combining Baby-Led Weaning with Other Feeding Methods

Breastfeeding or Formula Feeding: Individualized Approach

You can combine Baby-Led Weaning (BLW) with breastfeeding or formula feeding based on your baby’s individual needs. BLW allows babies to explore and self-feed a variety of foods, while breastfeeding or formula provides essential nutrients for their growth and development. It is important to remember that breast milk or formula should remain the primary source of nutrition during the first year of life.

Gradual Introduction of Spoon-Feeding

If desired, you can gradually introduce spoon-feeding alongside BLW. While BLW emphasizes self-feeding, some parents may prefer to incorporate purees or mashed foods into their baby’s diet. This approach allows for a combination of textures and flavors, providing additional opportunities for your little one to explore different tastes and develop their oral motor skills.

Prioritizing Self-Feeding Opportunities

Regardless of whether you choose to incorporate spoon-feeding, it is crucial to continue prioritizing self-feeding opportunities for your baby. BLW encourages independence and helps develop fine motor skills as they learn to grasp food, bring it to their mouth, and chew. By allowing them to take control of their eating experience, you are fostering a positive relationship with food and promoting healthy eating habits in the long run.

Adapting Approaches as Preferences Evolve

As your baby’s preferences and abilities evolve, be flexible in adapting your feeding approach. Some babies may initially struggle with certain textures or have difficulty managing larger pieces of food. In such cases, you can modify the size or texture of the foods offered until they become more comfortable.

Remember that every baby is unique, so it’s important not to compare their progress with others’. Some babies may quickly embrace a wide range of foods from an early age, while others may take longer to warm up to new flavors and textures. Be patient and allow your baby to explore at their own pace.

Ensuring Safety and Minimizing the Risk of Choking

While BLW promotes self-feeding, it is essential to take precautions to ensure your baby’s safety. Offer appropriate finger foods that are easy to grasp and chew, such as soft fruits, cooked vegetables, or well-cooked pasta.

Signs that Indicate Your Baby is Full during BLW

Signs that Indicate Your Baby is Full during BLW
Signs that Indicate Your Baby is Full during BLW

During the Baby-Led Weaning (BLW) process, it’s important to pay attention to your baby’s cues and signals to determine if they are full. Here are some signs that indicate your baby is full during BLW:

Slowing Down or Losing Interest in Food

One of the first signs that your baby may be full is when they start to slow down their eating or lose interest in the food. They may take longer pauses between bites or become easily distracted. This could be an indication that their hunger has been satisfied, and they are no longer interested in consuming more food.

Turning Away or Pushing Food Away

If your baby starts turning their head away from the food or pushing it away with their hands, it’s a clear sign that they have had enough to eat. Babies have a natural instinct to regulate their own intake, and this behavior shows that they are done eating and do not want any more food at the moment.

Closing Their Mouth or Spitting Out Food

When a baby is full, they may close their mouth tightly or even spit out the food. This is their way of communicating that they have reached their limit and do not want to consume any more. It’s important to respect their cues and not force them to eat beyond what they feel comfortable with.

Becoming Distracted or Fussy

As babies start to feel full, they may become more easily distracted or fussy. They might start looking around, playing with their food, or even becoming irritable. These behaviors can indicate that they have had enough and are no longer interested in eating.

Loss of Appetite for Breast Milk or Formula

Another sign that your baby may be full during BLW is a loss of appetite for breast milk or formula. As they consume more solid foods, their reliance on milk decreases. If you notice that your baby is drinking less milk than usual or showing less interest in nursing or bottle-feeding, it could be a sign that they are getting enough nutrition from the solid foods they are eating.

It’s important to remember that every baby is different, and their cues may vary. Some babies may show clear signs of being full, while others may not exhibit these cues as prominently. As a parent, it’s crucial to observe and respond to your baby’s individual signals and adjust their feeding accordingly.

By paying attention to these signs, you can promote a healthy and positive feeding experience for your baby during BLW. Remember, the goal is to allow them to explore and enjoy food at their own pace while respecting their hunger and fullness cues.

In conclusion, recognizing the signs that indicate your baby is full during BLW is essential for fostering a healthy relationship with food. By being attentive to your baby’s cues and responding accordingly, you can help them develop a positive attitude towards eating and establish healthy eating habits from an early age.

Addressing Common Concerns in BLW

Gagging during Baby-Led Weaning

It is normal for babies to gag occasionally during BLW as they learn to manage different textures. Gagging is a natural reflex that helps protect them from choking. It can be alarming for parents to witness, but it’s important to remember that gagging is different from choking. Gagging is a protective mechanism that allows babies to move food forward in their mouth or spit it out if necessary. It’s best not to intervene unless the baby is in distress or unable to clear the obstruction on their own.

Trusting Your Baby’s Self-Regulation

One of the key principles of baby-led weaning is trusting your baby’s ability to self-regulate their food intake. Babies are born with an innate sense of hunger and fullness cues, and they will eat what they need. This means that some days they may eat more than others, and that’s perfectly fine. As long as you offer a variety of nutritious foods, your baby will consume what their body requires.

Seeking Professional Guidance

If you have concerns about weight gain or specific nutritional requirements for your baby, it’s always a good idea to seek guidance from a healthcare professional. They can provide personalized advice based on your baby’s individual needs and growth patterns. They may also recommend certain foods or supplements to ensure your baby receives all the necessary nutrients.

When introducing solids through BLW, some parents worry about potential nutrient deficiencies or allergies. While it’s true that certain precautions need to be taken, such as avoiding common allergens like peanuts and honey until later stages, most healthy infants can safely participate in BLW without any issues.

Remember that every child is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. If you have any concerns or questions about starting solids with your little one, don’t hesitate to reach out for support and guidance. Healthcare professionals, such as pediatricians or registered dietitians, can offer reassurance and answer any specific questions you may have.

Creative BLW Dishes  with cutted foods
Creative BLW Dishes with cutted foods

Conclusion: Embracing the Baby-Led Weaning Journey

Embracing the baby-led weaning journey is a rewarding and empowering experience for both parents and babies. This approach to introducing solid foods allows babies to explore and discover food at their own pace, promoting independence and self-regulation. As parents, it can be an exciting and sometimes messy adventure, but the benefits make it all worthwhile.

One of the key advantages of baby-led weaning is that it encourages healthy eating habits from an early age. By allowing babies to choose what and how much to eat, they learn to listen to their hunger and fullness cues. This can help prevent overeating and promote a positive relationship with food.

Another benefit of baby-led weaning is the opportunity for babies to develop their fine motor skills. As they grasp and manipulate different foods, they strengthen their hand-eye coordination and dexterity. This can have long-term benefits for their overall development.

Furthermore, baby-led weaning promotes a varied and nutritious diet. By offering a wide range of foods in their natural form, babies are exposed to different tastes, textures, and flavors. This can help expand their palate and increase their acceptance of a variety of foods as they grow older.

Additionally, baby-led weaning encourages family meals and social interaction. Instead of separate meals for the baby, the whole family can enjoy mealtimes together. This promotes bonding and creates a positive eating environment for everyone.

While baby-led weaning may not be suitable for every family or baby, it is worth considering as an alternative approach to introducing solid foods. It allows babies to be active participants in their own feeding journey, fostering independence, healthy eating habits, and a positive relationship with food. So embrace the baby-led weaning journey and enjoy watching your little one explore and discover the wonderful world of food.

Frequently Asked Questions about BLW

What are first BLW foods?

First BLW foods refer to the initial solid foods introduced to a baby during Baby-Led Weaning (BLW). These foods should be soft, easy to grasp, and appropriate for the baby’s age and developmental stage.

How do I choose first BLW foods for my baby?

When selecting first BLW foods, opt for nutrient-dense options like mashed avocado, cooked sweet potatoes, or soft fruits. Ensure they are cut into appropriate sizes that your baby can easily hold and explore.

Are there any foods I should avoid as first BLW foods?

Yes, certain foods pose choking hazards or may not be suitable for infants. Avoid hard raw vegetables, whole nuts, chunks of meat, sugary snacks, and honey until your baby is older.

How do I know if my baby is ready for first BLW foods?

Look for signs of readiness such as being able to sit up with minimal support, showing interest in food during family meals, and having good head control. Consult with your pediatrician before starting BLW.

Should I offer water alongside first BLW foods?

Yes, it’s important to offer water in a cup or sippy cup alongside solids. This helps keep your baby hydrated during mealtime and introduces them to drinking from a cup early on.


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Deposit Photos

Cristina C. RD LDN

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