
Top 10 Halloween Detox Tips

Just because they are mini doesn’t mean they don’t add up!

Headache? Dull skin? Feeling sluggish?

Perfectly packaged, easy to pop in your mouth and everywhere…is that halloween candy still haunting you now that halloween is over?

Follow these tips to replenish your natural glow and detox from the sugar rush!

Top 10 Halloween Detox TIps

1.  Get rid of it…toss it, hide it, say goodbye.  Out of sight, out of mind.  I don’t like to recommend wasting food, but if your kids came home with 20 lbs. of candy consider making it vanish!

2.  Get your blood sugar back in check by eating small, frequent meals.  Balance each meal and snack with protein.  High-quality protein sources include beans/legumes, nuts/seeds, lean organic meat, eggs and tofu/tempeh.

3.  Feel full with healthy fats.  Add a little avocado, coconut oil or walnuts to each meal and snack to keep sugar cravings away.

4.  Boost your intake of vegetables, especially the green leafy ones!  The body loses minerals when it process sugar, start each day with a green smoothie to build back its stores.  One of my favorites is the “get glowing smoothie.”

5.  Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate…flush all the gunk out of your system by sipping on water.  Add a little fresh lemon juice to aid in digestion.

6.  Break the cycle…give yourself a 5-7 day “detox” from refined carbs.  Eliminate all processed grains such as white pasta, white rice and white bread products.

7.  Move your body!  Help circulate that lymph fluid by working out, taking a yoga class, swimming, running, anything that gets you moving!

8.  Take your probiotics or increase your intake of fermented foods to get your microflora thriving again.

9.  Spice it up!  Flavor foods with ginger, turmeric and cayenne for detox.

10.  Forgive, forget and move on!  Don’t feel guilty about over indulging, just get back on track!

Cristina C. RD LDN

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